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2024 Summer CSA

2024 Summer CSA

Weekly pickups for our Summer Mushroom CSA begin in mid-June and go for 15 weeks, through September.

Shares will vary week by week and you'll receive a rotating mix of the different varieties we grow -- typically 2 varieties/week for half shares and 3 varieties/week for full shares.

When it gets closer to summer, we'll be in touch via email to let you know when the exact date of your first pickup will be.

Pickup options:

1. Tuesdays | 5-6pm at Southside Community Farmers Market
Located at 24th Ave. & Rickert Street, across from the JP Jones Center in South Fairbanks.

2. Tuesdays | 12-8pm at Boreal Woods Mushroom Farm (Ester)
We are located on Old Wood Road, about a mile up the Old Nenana Highway in Ester. This pickup will be self-serve and you can pickup anytime Tuesday between 12-8pm — our most flexible pickup option!

3. Thursdays | 5-6pm at Beaver Sports
3480 College Road, outside in the parking lot.

Select your share size and pickup location below:
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Regular price $288.00
Regular price Sale price $288.00
Sale Sold out
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CSA Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I forget to pickup? Can I pickup later?

Most people forget to pickup at least once, however, it's very difficult to rearrange pickups for individual people. If we don't hear from you in advance and you miss a pickup, we cannot guarantee we will have them for you or be able to arrange an alternative pickup.

We donate the mushrooms that aren't picked up to Bread Line and the Food Bank, so they will not go to waste!

I'll be out of town/have a meeting/know in advance that I can't make it to one of the pickups. Can I pickup extra mushrooms the following week?

Since the growing process starts months in advance and we plan our growing around the number of people who are signed up for the CSA, there usually not extra mushrooms available on any given week to make up for missed pickups.

If you let us know in advance, we're happy to arrange an alternative pickup the same week at our farm in Ester. You can also always have a friend or family member pickup for you!

I don't like a certain mushroom variety. Can I choose the varieties in my share?

While you can't pre-order specific varieties, there are typically several combinations to choose from each week. When you pickup, let us know if there is something you don't like - we can't guarantee we'll be able to but we'll try to accommodate as best we can.

That being said, one of the great parts of a CSA is getting to try things that are new to you and experiment with different ways of cooking, so we encourage you to step out of your mushroom comfort zone!

How do I cook these mushrooms?!

We have cooking tips & meal ideas for most of the varieties we grow.

There are also infinite resources online for cooking with different varieties of mushrooms. We do a lot of Google-ing for recipe ideas and inspiration. Two mushroom-specific cookbooks we have and use are and Cooking with Mushrooms by Andrea Gentl and the Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook.

If you ever have questions about a specific variety, just email us!